Maybe you have noticed that on some of the slides on the screen there is a symbol in the corner. That symbol is an equality flag and there is a reason it is there.


As a congregation, we have chosen to take seriously Jesus’ new commandment that we love one another as Christ has loved us. Because of that commandment, several years ago, we adopted a non-discrimination policy that explicitly states we will welcome all who come.


Today, one of the highest rates of both homelessness and suicide among youth is among youth in the LGBTQ+ community. 40% of homeless youth are part of this group, and every 45 seconds, an LGBT youth tries to take their own life. These are kids who have been rejected and pushed aside. Even in many churches there is a quiet message that if you don’t look like or act like “us", there is something wrong with you. This symbol says: “You are safe here.”  It is a message that is desperately needed. 

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